NEW!! Sun Mountain bags just in!!!

Sun Mountain has delivered two Golf Digest Gold list golf bags. The C130S is the answer to the question: Can I take my bag to the range without it tipping over. The C130 Sun Mountain is the second largest bag and perennial gold list winner and now has a stand legs! Large pockets, 14 way divider and the biggest putter holder I have seen. The scarlet a gray color is sure to be attractive to any Buckeye fan. Carry any thing you need for a golf trip and then some and stand it up with ease.

Next is the X1 bag. The new line of grown for the S1 line. If the larger bag it too much this is the bag for you! the S1 is still roomy but doesn't take up the space of the C130. Styled for the Sun Mountain push carts with a friendly molded base, 14 way divider and plenty of pocket space you wont miss much when going to the course. The X1 top is designed in reverse. Meaning you can have access to all your clubs while on either the push cart or rider.  The bright green and black colors are sure to capture the attention of your golf buddies. Combine this with a Sun Mountain push cart and save big $$$$$. Only at McGolf.

Both bags are hot and sport the new tops for ease of cart and trunk removal. For more info. give us a call