Second Guy Golf/ Second Girl Golf get some new McORKA sticks

ORKA, a supplier of ours located in England, asked if I could build some clubs for their friends at Second Guy Golf/ Second Girl Golf or 2GG Apparel.

Since this company gives its profits to charity I said “No Problem” let’s do this thing. Alex from Orka Golf preceded to hand me a box of three sets of RS5 club heads. These are special club heads in that they are coated in black and have the 2GG logo engraved not painted in the cavity. The RS5 is a forged clubhead with a “middle of the road” sized cavity, muscle strategically located and players look.

Only one problem, we were in Orlando and these things were heavy as a box of 27 club heads.  Fortunately, we had a bit a space remaining in the luggage and split the heads evenly in the different cases. The airport skycap was amazed at how every bag weighed the same??.  Hmmmmm.

Like any good custom build, the sets would all be different lengths, flexes, grip sizes and lie angles. So, off to work we go,,,,


First we need the rest of the supplies to make the clubs, you know, the shafts and grips. After what I am sure the guys at 2GG and ORKA considered a bunch of hounding on my part I had the specifications needed to build the sets. Then to the order, we ordered the parts for the build only to find out when the receipt arrived via email that no grips made it onto the order. The goal was to get the clubs shipped by Monday. To make that happen Robin and I along with the dogs, jumped in the car and made our way to Golfworks and picked up the grips and some additional supplies for the other orders. Back to McGolf we head for the start of the build, if you look at the You Tube videos you can see where the first part is done during the day and the second is at night. That’s when we got back.

We installed a set of Nippon tour Modus3 X flex, a set of KBS tour 105 S flex and one set of KBBS tour 105 X flex for Russ, Lj and Logan. These shafts fit the quick tempo, fast hands, and added lengths to produce the flights and control desired. They were frequency matched, spine found and aligned and cut to the proper lengths. Then we installed a batch of PURE grips. This is a 100% rubber grip in white midsized wrap, Standard velvet like and one midsize wrap both in black.

Finally, a loft and lie adjustment, sticker placement (including the McGolf Bling) and a wax job completed the irons making them ready for the box. Using some of our McGolf towels as padding and sending the spec sheet ahead the clubs were packaged and shipped to Arizona.

This shows that golf is truly international in that two companies thousands of miles apart on different continents can come together with a small club guy in Ohio with the end result of some really cool clubs. Check out both 2nd guy golf and ORKA golf for more info on their outstanding products.

Thanks ORKA and 2GG for the build.