Using the industry leading Flightscope together with McGolf a 2X Golf Digest Top 100 golf club fitter. We will ensure your clubs hit distinct distances. This is called GAPPING
Gapping is identifying the varying distances between clubs and making adjustments so you have distinct and proper gaps in your clubs. A gap can be too narrow or too wide. We will bend irons to make the gaps proper and suggest changes in the woods and hybrids to make sure you are hitting each club the right distance for you.
You will receive a print out of your distances for each club so you can have a more confident round resulting in lower scores.
Gapping results in a one on one with the best clubfitter in Ohio, use of the industry leading flightscope launch monitor, work on clubs by an advanced certified professional Clubmaker and documentation to help you golf better.
Call today for an appointment to lower scores.